Camp Europe
Camp Europe was born under an agreement reached by individuals living in North America and Europe that share an avid interest in global topics such as world fraternity, the need of a true integral educational path, and who believe that there is much to be learnt from one another on a variety of topics; the importance of effective communication between different cultural backgrounds, empathy, leadership, environmental awareness; creative ways to attack our current problems & healthy ways of enjoying the summer time getting unplugged from our daily on line devices, through motivational dynamics, & adrenaline-loaded adventure sports.
Recreational elements of each activity include a basis of fantasy and creative thinking, to build positive energy and break down the learning barriers of each participant. Activities normally fall into one of the following Program Areas:
Climbing & High Ropes Courses
Leadership Development
Water Sports
Land Sports
Music & Drama
Creativity Workshops
Survival & Orienteering
Hikes & Excursions
Camp Coordination & Logistics
All of our programs are based on Non-Formal Educational Models, known in the academic research field as Experiential Learning (EL); which includes typical activities related to Outdoor Educational Centers, Summer Camps, Creativity Workshops, Alternative Theatre Plays, Adventure Sport Facilitation, among other fields. Many of our senior staff members are involved in the educational field. Either as pedagogist, therapists, teachers, physical education professionals, etc. Each activity implemented follows a 3 step protocolary process> It starts with a briefing about what is about to be done and what is to be achieved. Second ly the groups steps into action, by fully engaging with the activity and lastly there is debriefing session in which participants get to reflect and share what they have learnt and felt during the activity.
This allows us to implement always an educational focus and its immediate feedback. Educational content is portrayed & infused through different didactic areas, such as:
Language Development
Environmental Awareness
Leadership & Communication Development
Community Building
Universal Values
Creative Thinking
Social & Interpersonal Skills
Always provided through a full immersion onto a different, multi-cultural. amazingly fun, experiential learning.
By Participating within an International Network of summer camps throughout Europe that enables University students to gain international work experience. We believe in Outdoor Education as a way to promote universal values, the appreciation of other cultures and nature. We believe in Creativity as an effective method to promote affordable programs for university students and campers alike, to travel and learn.
We believe in fraternity among cultures as a milestone for building mutual tolerance and respect. We believe in making efforts to build an international community willing to share every individual’s knowledge and experience. We value diversity as a full expression of tolerance of everyone and exclusion of no one. We value imagination and fantasy as an effective doctrine of education on abstract but also quite important matters.
International Exchange Coordination Excellence. To create ways of promoting fair opportunities for international camping, summer internship placements and work and travel experiences. To implement high standards of the North American Camping traditions exported to Europe. We value people’s time investment without a straight forward aim on profit, the help that comes honestly offered. In return, we believe in giving back accessible opportunities to students, low profile campers & the host communities.
To provide an easy and accessible mechanism for students to go abroad to experience an international summer internship program, in which they will be able to learn and practice a different language, attend a summer camp or English summer school where they will meet people their age, and participate with other staff in the creation their own educational projects.
Extend the network of people across the globe interested in alternative teaching methods, in a fun and safe environment. Expand the vast activity catalogue & educational resources and share them internationally.
Camp Europe was born from the ideas and dreams of two university students, fifteen years ago. Since then, the project has been growing & improving slowly but steady. It all started with the aim of bringing into Europe the know-how’s of North American Camping traditions into Europe, at the time that Canadian & US students had an opportunity to work & travel around Europe during their summer vacations. Every year we have increased our workfloat and developed different projects to fullfill different profiles. Now days, we are proud to handle thousands of applications from where we get to select the best from all over the world, as we currently deal with applicants from more than forty five countries. Although our structure and projects are constantly evolving, our dreams, passion and values remain the same.
With partners in European and North American cities, Camp Europe has built a bridge which offers an affordable opportunity to Highschool and university students or youth in general looking to participate as a camper or an Intern, in one or several of the many summer English camps located around Europe. During summer, European towns transform into an international campground for outdoor educational and recreational activities. In almost every European country, these kinds of programs are often bilingual: offered in English as well as the native language of the host country.
Camp Europe was born under an agreement reached by people living in North America and Europe with an avid interest in global citizenship and who believe that we have a lot to learn from each other on a variety of topics: from effective communication between different cultural backgrounds, fraternity, leadership, environmental awareness; to creativity & adventure sports.
Canadian, Australian, U.S. and many other university students travel and learn different languages while meeting people with like-minded interests.
Our exchange program is based on paid internship placements, giving students the opportunity to gain international working experience, language and full culture immersion into the native customs of their country of placement, and extend them the chance to travel through Europe. Acquire teaching experience through the creation and implementation of stimulating, fun and safe activities for children from all parts of the world.
Tailor-made school trips, adventure holidays and summer camps for groups of 20+ students. Our programs include modern pedagogical-experiential education contents and lots of adventure, which fortifies group cohesion, develops tight relationships amongst students and boosts their self-esteem and confidence. Community trips are an important component of any student’s life. These kind of experiences motivate students to care about others, to improve their self confidence, and are also a great opportunity to get out of the comfort zone, out of the usual social environment.
Our Partners
Ferienpark Feuerkuppe
Is an organisation from Germany which organizes its summer camps with Camp Europe’s /Camp Adventure support.
International Camps Network
International Camps Network is a multi-national camp promoter. Based in Canada, it carries out all the promotion & selection of the participants in the program coordinated with the camp operator.
The “Jugenderholungswerk Hamburg
We organize summer camps for kids and youths from challenged families.
Keine Macht den Drogen
In cooperation with the German Non for profit organization “No power to drugs” we organize drug prevention programs where hundreds of kids and youth from all over Germany join activity and team building camps around the year.
Every year Camp Europe e.V. offers scholarships for kids and youth from challenged families. To apply for a scholarship please get in touch with our office or simply mention it to one of our friendly reps. during your interview.
Our Senior Staff Members

CEO & General Director
Jan Vieth

German H.R. Manager
Selina Bilderberg

International H.R. Manager
Daniel Macías-Barajas