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Camp Counselor

Camp Counselor

Welcome to Our Summer Camp Europe Program!

Discover a life-changing experience in Europe at diverse summer camp locations. As a role model for children and youth, you'll gain invaluable international work experience and develop essential skills. Camp Europe offers young, motivated individuals opportunities for summer learning. Explore Europe, connect with like-minded people, and grow personally and professionally. If you're 19+ and seeking an amazing summer volunteer program in Europe, you've found the perfect place. Apply today!

• 290 EUR deposit reimbursed upon 4-week placement completion
• Program runs from mid-June, through July, and until late August
• Full room and board during training and placement
• Outdoor adventure specialist courses & certificates
• Pick-up Shuttle Service from Train station to training site
• Inter-Placement Transfers

If you aspire to be a positive influence as a Camp Counselor in a natural, enjoyable, and enriching camp setting, if you yearn to immerse yourself in an international environment with a relaxed atmosphere, if you seek comprehensive training that you can immediately apply, and if you have an interest in picking up a new and diverse language, then our program is tailored for you. Welcome to Camp Europe!

• Be a role model in a natural, fun, and enriching camp environment
• Immerse yourself in an international atmosphere with a laid-back ambiance
• Intensive & Fun International Camp Counselor Training followed by hands-on placements and a valid Certificate
• Opportunity to learn / practice a new language
• Ultimate life-changing experience in Europe, mentoring children and youth

Join us this summer for an unforgettable experience as a camp counselor at one of Camp Europe's renowned campsites. Whether you stay for 4 weeks or 12, you'll immerse yourself in the dynamic world of outdoor education and youth mentorship.

Gain Practical Experience
Put your skills to the test and gain hands-on experience by leading and engaging in various camp activities. From organizing outdoor adventures to guiding team-building exercises, you'll play a key role in creating memorable experiences for campers.

Expand Your Horizons
Meet and connect with people from around the world who share your passion for outdoor education and personal development. Embrace the multicultural environment and forge lifelong friendships.

Travel Opportunities
Discover the beauty of Europe during your time off and explore new cultures. Our campsites are located in picturesque settings across Austria, Ireland, Spain, and France, offering you the chance to travel and experience different regions.

Accommodation Provided
Enjoy basic accommodation during your stay, which may include shared rooms, tents, or camping caravans. Embrace the simplicity and camaraderie of camp life.

Language Practice
Enhance your language skills by participating in our bilingual programs. While the primary language is English, you'll also have the opportunity to practice the native language of the host country, be it German, French, or Spanish.

Support for Academic Endeavors
Camp Europe offers support to bachelor or master program students who wish to incorporate their camp experience into academic papers or research related to outdoor educational programs and youth development.

Clay Vase

Who Should Apply?

- Motivated individuals aged 19+
- Seeking an amazing summer volunteer-work program in Europe
- Desire to develop professional skills while exploring Europe
- Meet like-minded people from around the world
- Certification in High Ropes, Language Coaching, Aquatic Sports, Survival & Adventure, Land Sports, Drama, or Arts & Crafts
- Complementary Life Guard Course included

All in all, you are looking into immersing yourself to a life-time experience that will enhance your perspectives, broaden your horizons, expand your international network, boost your summer fun and allow you to discover much of yourself along the way.
That not being all, the skills, contacts and memories will last long and will, no doubt, offer you an advantage point in future endeavours.

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Explore other positions available at Camp Europe

  • Age Range:   

19 to 31 years old

  • Season:         


from mid June to late August

  • Availability:

4 to 8 weeks​

  • Locations available:




  • Deposits Required

  75€ -  Pre-Interview                         ​

0€ -  To Confirm placement offer

Teach English in Europe
  • Age Range:   

20 to 33 years old

  • Seasons:         

Spring & Summer  or Summer & Fall

mid-April to mid-July / mid-June to late August

  • Availability:

10 to 12 weeks​

  • Locations available:




  • Deposits Required

  75€ -  Pre-Interview                         ​

295€ -  To Confirm placement offer

  • Age Range:   

21 to 35 years old

  • Seasons:         

Spring, Summer & Fall

mid-March to late August

  • Availability:


  • Locations available:


  • Deposits Required

  75€ -  Pre-Interview                         ​

500€ -  To Confirm placement offer

  • Age Range:   

17 to 19 years old

  • Seasons:         


July to August

  • Availability:

2-5 weeks​

  • Locations available:


  • Deposits Required

  850€ - 2 weeks of training                                               ​

500€ - 2 weeks of training + 1 week of placement  

250€ - 2 weeks of training + 2 weeks of placement

FREE - 2 weeks of training + 3 weeks of placement

Work at camp in Europe as a Camp Counselor
Trabaja en Europa en diferentes Campamentos de Verano

Camp Europe ev

 Pöseldorfer Weg 25 • 20148

Alemania +49 40 8080 576 20

España + 34 6789 12 289

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Trabaja en Europa en diferentes Campamentos de Verano
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